Category Archives: Drama in Education

A Colonial Devotion Premieres in Christchurch Playwright, Susan Battye has offered congratulations to Christchurch’s Riccarton High School, Year Eleven Drama Class. On the 2nd and 3rd of July 2018 under the direction of Head of Drama, Paddy Scott, the class presented the premiere performance of  her … Continue reading Posted in Drama in Education, News Buy Valium Glasgow | go to link Tagged , , see url | Comments Off source link on A Colonial Devotion Premieres in Christchurch

People often ask, Why should students study Drama as a subject?

Buy Diazepam Online Next Day Delivery At a time when there is a focus on the development of youth confidence, mental well being and readiness for further study or engagement with the workplace it is interesting to reflect on the place of Drama in the New … Continue reading Order Diazepam India Posted in Drama in Education | Tagged , | Comments Off on People often ask, Why should students study Drama as a subject?

Drama in the Classroom Moves Centre Stage

click here By Susan Battye  First published in Tomorrows Schools Today NZ 05 May 2016 Drama in the classroom – a frippery at best or an essential part of the curriculum?  It depends who you talk to, but since 2001 when Drama … Continue reading

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A Trip down Memory Lane and a Peep into the Future of Drama in Education A Trip down Memory Lane and a Peep into the Future of Drama in Education April  2005 Susan Battye Tena Kotuou e hoa ma! This must indeed be a rare occasion in the history of New Zealand’s education system: the … Continue reading

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Celebrating the International Drama Theatre and Education Association Day IDEA Day is 27th November. New Zealand Drama Teachers might want to give consideration to marking the International Drama / Theatre and Education Association Day in some way. In many countries of the world Drama is considered to be a … Continue reading
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Sir Ed You’re a Legend Production File Sir Ed You’re a Legend‘s premiere  production, with lyrics written by Susan Battye of Drama Magic and music written by Dr Trevor Thwaites of Auckland University,  took place  on 27 June 2012 at Selwyn College and was directed by Head of Drama … Continue reading

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